This website is operated by the school Zdravstvena i veterinarska škola dr. Andrije Štampara Vinkovci, H.D. Genschera 16a on the EduPage content management system ( The technical operator of the server of this website is the company aSc Applied Software Consultants, s.r.o.
Information about the website operator:
- Naziv škole
- Zdravstvena i veterinarska škola dr. Andrije Štampara Vinkovci, H.D. Genschera 16a
- E-adresa škole
- E-pošta administratora
- Telefon
- 385 32 306 301
- Adresa škole
- H.D. Genschera 16a
Ravnatelj : Josip Šuker prof.
Croatia (Hrvatska)